Page name: Jaraden's charcter studies~1 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-11-10 15:06:49
Last author: jaraden
Owner: jaraden
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Jaraden's charcter studies~1

study of Laornar, first draft.. alright i guess.. image from book #1
Name:Laornar Du’Cartruillair
Alias: none unitl the end of book 4
Age:16 (18 by this drawing)
Race:Viquean (a citizen of the Kingdom of Aultenvique)
first study of Eveinis.. not liking it too much
Name: Eveinis Montaerhuil
Alias: none until Book 4
Age: 17 (19 by this drawing/ book#2)
Rank: None
Gender: Male
Race: Viquean
Prince Phoenix early study..
Name: (given name unused) Prince 'Phoenix' Alourmar
Alias: 'Phoenix'
Age:17 (21 by this drawing/ book#4)
Rank: Second Born Prince
Gender: male
Race: Viquean
study of Quelfini..
he's a dwarf by the way..
more detail plus a follow up study to come
Name: Cpt. Rasmay
Alias: none
Age: 37
Rank: Captain
Gender: male
Race: Ketahaadian
this is one of the primary creatures in the book, haven't figured out a name and i won't give away what part they plan jsut yet...
this is an early study on an Evaerwok.. they are effectively barbarians, but there is more to them then that.. more history and another study to come...
this is a study of the two true gods of my book(s)..
Jaraden ofcourse.. another study plus a smatering of details to follow..
this is an early study of the Sorcerer Jonas.. another study plus a smattering of details to follow..

/ [jaraden]
~Still to come, studies of Thoarst, Jaraden, Quelfini, Syque and Insarlot... plus i gotta add some details and backgrounds too.. won't give too much away though!
har har

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